15 October 2018

Crafting: Analog Adventures

So, some of my fives of readers might be wondering: "What is MadZab doing? Has he stopped creating things? Has family life finally overtaken his creative urges? How do we fix the gaping gaps in societes the world over?" I can answer the first two questions. The answer to the second one is "No! Even if I wanted to, I couldn't!" and the answer to the first is a bit more complex.

I've had several distinct phases of creating things in my life and I am currently in an analogue phase. That means: What I am creating, is nothing that can be replicated and shared as easily as, say, a pdf or a Twine game. I've been writing and crafting. I think this trend started out with We're Going On A Fucking Adventure (which still needs a decently written rulebook but recent experiences might empower me to finally get to that), where my Roguelike-phase came into the physical world.

Now, I've had a fascination for physical objects for gaming for a while. And I've loved crafting since I was first able to hold a pen and a pair of scissors. Over the next few days I'll use this small series to introduce the projects I've more or less finished over the past few months. They include (so far) a mechanical cardboard pinball machine, two board games for my son, and a game book that I still need to proof read and then select a part of to pitch to a publisher. Stay tuned.

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